Shetland Sheepdog Pedigrees (verified)
Reverse pedigree of:
Yosemite's Following Star

(M) (* - DoD:) COI= AVK=

Ch. Lundecock's Xit From Hell
, KCSB 1084 CG, tri
Chalmoor Star Queen
, KCReg.AG00705303, tri
Ch. Chalmoor Stand And Stare
, KCReg.AP02959201, tri
Maybe I'm The Magician Des Diablotins De Nooch
08.08.2016, SHSB/LOS 754326, tri
Maybe The Winner Des Diablotins De Nooch
08.08.2016, LOF 1 SHET. 33358/0, tri
a handful of joy Brian
07.05.2019, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26303, tri
a handful of joy Brianna
07.05.2019, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26304, tri
Amideros Adorable Angel
19.01.2019, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26136, tri
Sgr. Amideros Aurora Light
19.01.2019, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26138, blm
Aquina von den Wümmepfötchen
29.12.2020, VDH/ZBrH SHE 27119, tri
Mis Joya's Banshee
06.07.2022, VDH SSCD 5706, tri
Mis Joya's Braveheart
06.07.2022, VDH SSCD 5704, tri
Mis Joya's Bushido
06.07.2022, VDH SSCD 5705, blm
Odonna van Tjariet
20.02.2021, NHSB 3226870, d's/w
Moonnala Checkmate
, VDH SSCD 4056, tri
Comedy's Ivanka
05.06.2019, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26355, tri
Gondel black vom Vehnemoor Land
29.03.2020, VDH/ZBrH SHE 26727, tri
Ch. Quinn von der Saarhöhe
16.06.2018, VDH/ZBrH SHE 25887, d's/w
Una Utopia von der Saarhöhe
13.03.2021, VDH/ZBrH SHE 27219, d's/w