Shetland Sheepdog Pedigrees (verified)
Reverse pedigree of:
Ch., Sgr. Rising Sun of Silver-Shadow
(DJ CfBrH, Dt.CfBrH & VDH, Int. Ch., WSgr.'01)
(F) d's/w (*24.08.1995 - DoD:19.03.2009), VDH/ZBrH 11508 COI= AVK=
HD-C, CEA/Kat./PRA frei 10/95)
Ch. Xanthi of Silver-Shadow
11.06.2003, VDH/ZBrH 16422, d's/w
Ch. The Dream Lover of Silver-Shadow
24.08.2006, VDH/ZBrH SHE 18762, s/w
Tyra of Newcastle
, VDH SSCD 3567, s/w
Bonny-Lou von der Wolfsteinburg
, VDH SSCD 4177, s/w
Wild Mustang A Rising Sun
, VDH SSCD 3143, d's/w
Habanera of powerful mind
27.12.2019, VDH SSCD 4724, s/w
Ch. Hondo of powerful mind
27.12.2019, VDH SSCD 4723, tri
Iomhair of powerful mind
31.03.2022, VDH SSCD 5496, tri